2021. Vol. 21, No 3 By dokladyaman on 20.01.2022 2021. Vol. 21, No 3 Reports AIAS. Vol. 21, No 3. 107 p. Download MATHEMATICS Karasheva L.L. On a boundary value problem in a half-strip for a fourth-order parabolic equation with a Riemann-Liouville operator in a time variable 6 Mazhgikhova M.G. Cauchy problem for an ordinary fractional differential equation with variable delay 16 Shamoyan R.F., Tomashevskaya E.B. On some new sharp embedding theorems for multifunctional Herz-type and Bergman-type spaces in tubular domains over symmetric cones 21 INFORMATICS Diukareva V.M. Modern approaches analysis of raster drawings digitalization automation 34 MEDICINE Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V. Hemodynamic control using models of electroacoustic signals of an oxygenated neuron 43 BIOLOGY Tsugkiev B.G., Gagieva L.Ch., Tsugkieva T.V., Chegaev M.M. Evaluation of nutritional value, content of biologically active substances and accumulation of heavy metals in Onobrychis viciifolia Scop 50 PHILOLOGY Бижоев Б.Ч. Вклад Б.К. Утижева в адыгское языкознание 55 Kuchukova Z.A. Poetry of Zarina Kanukova: metaphysics and gender aspect 61 Khavzhokova L.B., Atlaskirova R.S. Architectonics of Anatolia Bitsuev’s ballad: on the question of genre development 82 REVIEWS Tamakhina A.Ya. Ecology of aggressive invasive plants of Kabardino-Balkaria (review of the book by S.Kh. Shkhagapsoev, V.A. Chadayeva, K.A. Shkhagapsoeva «Black Book of Flora of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic». Nalchik: publishing house M. and V. Kotlyarovs. 2021. 240 p.) 88 Tkhagapsoev Kh.G. See culture from its hidden corners-in the name of culture (Review of the monograph by L.F. Kharaeva and Z.A. Kuchukova «Gender and Ethnogender». Nalchik: Print Center. 2018.192 p.) 91 ANNIVERSARIES Extraordinary leader, statesman and public figure (to the 70th anniversary of Adam Khusenovich Tleuzh) 99 To the anniversary of Kamil Basirovich Sabitov, corresponding member of the academy of sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan 102 Published in Number collection 2021 dokladyaman More from Number collection 2021More posts in Number collection 2021 »2021. Vol. 21, No 42021. Vol. 21, No 42021. Vol. 21, No 22021. Vol. 21, No 22021. Vol. 21, No 12021. Vol. 21, No 1