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2022. Vol. 22, No 2

2022. Vol. 22, No 2

Adyghe Int. Sci. J. Vol. 22. No 2. 117 p.                Download

Bekiev A. B., Shikhiev R. M. Resolution of the boundary value problem for a mixed equation of the fourth order 11
Ivshin M. S. The optimal control problem for the fractional diffusion equation with a derivative in the minimization condition 21
Makaova R. Kh. About one mixed problem for the inhomogeneous Hallaire equation 29
Khushtova F. G. On some properties of one special function 34
Shamoyan R. F.On some new sharp estimates of Toeplitz operator in some spaces of Hardy-Lizorkin type of analytic functions in the polydisk 42
Pshikova O. V. From high-altain hypoxia to electron-phonon-photon mechanisms of control of the state of the organism 50
Chadaeva V. A.Taxonomic differentiation of plant species Allium inaequale Janka and Allium moschatum L. from the point of life strategies 62
Bakov H. I. H. H. Khapsirokov and the adyge literary process. The Problem of System Research 71
Khuako F. N. Jebrail Mekulov and his contribution to the popularization of adyge science 77
Panesh A. D. Adyghes of the North-Western Caucasus in the conditions of social and political transformations (60s of the XIX — 30s of the XX century) 84
Tkhagapsoev Kh. G. Etiquette, ethics or local civilization? to the essence and name of the traditional socio-cultural life of the Circassians/Caucasians 89
Beituganov S. N. Unique mosaic of flora 101
Losses of science  
Shkhagapsoev S. Kh. On the scientific and pedagogical heritage of professor Lyudin Khachimovich Slonov (1933 2021) 105
Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal (in Russia) 112
Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal (in English) 114



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