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2023. Vol. 23, No 1

2023. Vol. 23. No 1

Adyghe Int. Sci. J. Vol. 23. No 1. 133 p.                Download

Balkizov G. A. Boundary value problems with data on opposite characteristics for a second-order mixed-hyperbolic equation 11
Shamoyan R. F., Tomashevskaya E. B. On the action of Toeplits operators into new BMOA type spaces in the unit disk 20
Engineering Technology  
Zakuraev A. F. The concept for multifunctional high-speed main ekranolet ground-flange 28
Khalilov E. N., Ma Z., Wang M., Khalilov F. E., Kuleshov S. V. Prospects for robotic remote control and laser impact on cyanobacteria flowering 37
Shkhagapsoev S. Kh., Kushalieva Zh. A., Krapivina E. A. Status and prospects of studying mycobiota biodiversity in the Russian Caucasus 49
Bakov H. I. On the problem of the general Adyghe literary language 64
Lobanov V. В. Higher legal education in the North Caucasus: to the history of the issue  74
Tkhagapsoev Kh. G. Ethnos as a subject of history and a measure of the objectivity of historical science 86
Tamakhina A. Ya. Promising ecotypes of wild plant species as a formation resource selection material in feed production 99
Nagoeva L. A. Actualization of cultural conceptions of M. H. Gerandokov in the book of I. M. Gazarova «А person, both in small and large, must create for the future» 108

Ashinov Yu. N., Shkhagapsoev S. Kh. On the 70th anniversary of A. Kh. Sheudzhen- Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and AIAS


Index of articles Published in Volume 22 for 2022 (In Russ.) 120
Index of articles Published in Volume 22 for 2022 (In Eng.) 122
Alfabetic index of authors in Volume 22 for 2022 (In Russ.) 124
Alfabetic index of authors in Volume 22 for 2022 (In Eng.) 126
Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal (in Russia) 128
Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal (in English) 130

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