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2023. Vol. 23, No. 4

2023. Vol. 23, No. 4

Adyghe Int. Sci. J. Vol. 23, No. 4. 138 p.        Download

Adam Maremovich Nakhushev. On the 85th anniversary of his birth 11
Bogatyreva F. T. On the correctness of initial problems for the fractional diffusion equation 16
Kirzhinov R. A. On solution uniqueness for Dezin problem analog for parabolic–hyperbolic type equation 23
Losanova F. M., Kenetova R. O. Boundary value problem for the loaded McKendrick–von Foerster equation of fractional order 28
Mamchuev M. O. Green’s function of the problem with local displacement for the fractional
telegraph equation
Masaeva O. Kh. On the Dirichlet problem for the generalized Laplace equation 43
Khubiev K. U. Analogue of Tricomi problem for one characteristically loaded hyperbolic-
parabolic equation
Eneeva L. M. On the question of solving a mixed boundary value problem for an equation with fractional derivatives with different origins 62
Khanov Z. M., Shkhagapsoyev S. Kh., Chadaeva V. A., Maremkulova A. K., Belotserkovskaya I. N. Historical herbarium collection of N. A. and E. A. Bush in the National Museum of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 69
Shkhagapsoev S. Kh. Georgy Matveyevich Zozulin (1913–1986), one of the founders of ecobiomorphology 79
Kazharov A. G. Social and political activities of V. K. Tlostanova 97
Tkhagapsoev Kh. G. To the invaluable facets of Kabardian proverbs 109
Khubiev B. B., Nadzirova R. Yu. Interesting and necessary publication 126
Krapivina E. A. Jubilee Congress of Botanists of the Russian Federation 131
Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal (in Russia) 133
Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal (in English) 135

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