Adyghe Int. Sci. J. Vol. 23. No 1. P. 99-107
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Original Article |
Promising ecotypes of wild plant species as a formation resource selection material in feed production
Aida Yakovlevna Tamakhina
Professor of the Department of Commodity Science, Tourism and Law of the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian Univcrsity. V. M. Kokova (360030, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalchik, Lenin Ave., 1c), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, ORCHID ID:, Scopus ID: 8941932500, Researcher ID Web of Science: HDO-2957-2022,
Abstract. The article presents materials on the study of polymorphism of populations of elecampane (Inula hclcnium L.), rough comfrey (Symphytum aspcrum Lepech.) and Caucasian comfrey (S. caucasicum M. Bieb.) in ecotopes of various natural zones of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The adaptively important traits of the studied species include elements of productivity of the above-ground mass – shoot height and number of leaves (I. hclcnium), number and width of leaves, stem diameter (S. aspcrum), shoot height and leaf width (S. caucasicum). Most of the remaining traits studied are weakly consistent with changes in others due to variability under the influence of external factors (environmental indicators) or are more stable and have taxonomic significance (genotypic indicators). The studied species consist of many ecotypes and have a wide ecological amplitude. When environmental conditions change, adaptive traits change relatively little and differ significantly between individuals of different ecotypes. For the purposes of breeding in the forage production of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, ecotypes with a high real and potential yield of green mass arc promising – floodplainmarsh I. hclcnium, foothill S. aspcrum and periodically wet loose S. caucasicum.
Keywords: ecotype, selection, feed production, polymorphism, ccotopc, adaptability, variability
Acknowledgments: the authors arc thankful to the anonymous reviewer for his valuable remakes.
For citation. Tamakhina A. Ya. Promising ecotypes of wild plant species as a formation resource selection material in feed production. Adyghe Int. Sei. J. 2023. Vol. 23, No. 1. P. 99-107.
The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Submitted 12.03.2023; approved after reviewing 17.03.2023; aeeepted for publication 20.03.2023.
© Tamakhina A. Ya., 2023
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