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Dadashev_Vol. 22, No 4. P. 57-66

Adyghe Int. Sci. J. Vol. 22, No 4. P. 57-66. ISSN 1726-9946

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  Original Article

On the methodological features and errors of measuring the surface tension of aqueous suspensions

Raykom Khasimkhanovich Dadashev
Ph. Chief Scientific Associate at the Laboratory of Experimental Physics, Kh. I. Ibragimov Complex Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (21 a, st. Staropromyslovskoe sh., Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation, 366002), Full member of AIAS, ORCID: 0000-0002-0192-5510, Scopus ID 6603898428,
Roman Sulambekovich Dzhambulatov
Candidate of Philosophy and Mathematics, Head of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Research of the Kh. I. Ibragimov, (21 a, st. Staropromyslovskoe sh., Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation, 366002) ORCID: 0000-0002-4126127X, Scopus ID 56205601800,

Abstract. The paper analyzes the methodological features of measuring the surface tension of highly dispersed systems, which include bentonite suspensions. It is shown that bentonite suspensions arc complex nonequilibrium systems, when measuring the surface tension of which it is necessary to take into account the influence on its value of many factors, the main ones being dispersion and sedimentation. These factors have a significant effect on the measured value of surface tension. The non-equilibrium of the system under study leads to a time dependence of the surface tension, which significantly complicates the measurement of its dependence on temperature. To measure the surface tension of a bentonite suspension, a new method based on the superposition of measurement results obtained by two independent methods, the hanging drop method and the lying drop method, has been developed and tested. Sedimentation, when using these methods, leads to oppositely directed (relative to the surface) processes: in the first case, the surface of the drop enriches the particles of the solid phase, in the second -is impoverished. Experimental studies of the time dependences of surface tension have shown that in the hanging drop method there is a linear decrease in surface tension, in the lying drop method the surface tension increases linearly with time. Superposition of the results obtained by these methods allows us to find the value of surface tension at a given time. An analysis of surface tension measurement errors of the influence of various factors on the error in measuring surface tension of the developed method is carried out.
Keywords: surface tension, dispersed phase, dispersion medium, bentonite suspension, measurement methods, lying drop, hanging drop, sedimentation, random and systematic measurement error

Acknowledgments: the author are thankful to the anonymous reviewer for his valuable remakes.

For citation. R. H. Dadashev, R. S. Dzhambulatov On the methodological features and errors of measuring the surface tension of aqueous suspensions. Adyghe Int. Sei. J. 2022. Vol. 22, No. 4. P. 57-66.

The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Submitted 24.11.2022; approved after reviewing 22.12.2022; aeeepted for publication 26.12.2022.

© Dadashev R. H.,
Dzhambulatov R. S., 2022


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