Reports AIAS. Vol. 19, no 1. P. 71-75. ISSN 1726-9946
Research Article
Historism of the adyg prose and its recognition at the master-teacher (on the 80th anniversary of Kazbek Shazzo)
Khuako F.N. – academician of AIAS
Maikop state technological university, Maikop
Historicism and its possible manifestations in the epic prose of the Adyghe authors are studied in the article as an object of consideration. This is done by highlighting the relevant material in the works of the modern Adyghe literary critic Kazbek Gissovich Shazzo. Taking into account the specificity of the historical theme, the author of the article builds its ethnic characterology. Comparative consideration of the Adyghe prose writers of the past and current centuries allows the author of the article F. Huako to draw some conclusions about the authority of the scientist K. Shazzo on this path.
Keywords: Circassian, prose writer, historicism, literary, Shazzo.
© F.N. Khuako, 2019
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For citation. Khuako F.N. Historism of the adyg prose and its recognition at the master-teacher (on the 80th anniversary of Kazbek Shazzo). Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2019, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 71-75.