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Vol. 20, no 4. P. 74-78

Reports AIAS. Vol. 20, no 4. P. 74-78. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue

DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2020-20-4-74-78


Research Article

The concept of speech behavior in a theoretical aspect

Khuako F.N. – academician of AIAS

Maikop state technological university, Maikop

    The presented work is aimed at the theoretical consideration of the mandatory concept of «speech behavior» in science, with a request for a review of existing opinions and possible clarification of terms. Bringing the judgments of both Soviet and modern linguists, F.N. Khuako brings the line of reasoning to the conclusion of its own required definition. Then, based on it and on the opinions of other scientists, it considers variations in the manifestation of speech behavior in modern society on an emotional basis. This tactic allows you to mention the multi-ethnic modern society, due to what appears necessary to address the question in specific as in the Caucasus and Adyghe language environment.

Keywords: speech behavior, language, individual, society, emotion, communication.

© F.N. Khuako, 2020

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For citation.  Khuako F.N. The concept of speech behavior in a theoretical aspect. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2020, vol. 20, no. 4, pp.  74-78. DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2020-20-4-74-78

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