Reports AIAS. Vol. 22, no 1. P. 44-56. ISSN 1726-9946
DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2022-22-1-44-56
Research Article
Comparative analysis of mountain meadow vegetation of Southern and Northern Elbrus region (Central Caucasus) under anthropogenic load
1Chadaeva V. A., 2Tsepkova N. L.
Presented by full member of AIAS S. Kh. Shkhagapsoev
Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of Russian Academy of Science, Nalchik,
Geobotanical descriptions were carried out on 16 model sites in the upper reaches of the Baksan and Malka rivers along with the southern and northern spurs of mount Elbrus. Despite the differences in species composition and structure of ecological spectra, the reaction of mountain meadow plant communities of regions to increase anthropogenic load is similar. More significant negative changes and higher synanthropization levels of disturbed meadows in the Southern Elbrus region are probably due to the different history of economic development of the two regions.
Keywords: mountain meadow plant communities, Southern and Northern Elbrus region, anthropogenic load, geobotanical descriptions.
© V. A. Chadaeva,
N. L. Tsepkova, 2022
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For citation. Chadaeva V.A., Tsepkova N.L. Comparative analysis of mountain meadow vegetation of Southern and Northern Elbrus region (Central Caucasus) under anthropogenic load // Reports of AIAS. 2022. Vol. 22, no. 1. P. 44–56. DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2022-22-1-44-56