Reports AIAS. Vol. 22, no 1. P. 57-70. ISSN 1726-9946
DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2022-22-1-57-70
Research Article
Climatogenic changes in meadow ecosystems in the Central Caucasus on the example of specially protected natural areas
1Chadaeva V. A., 2Tsepkova N. L., 3Pshegusov R. H.
Presented by full member of AIAS S. Kh. Shkhagapsoev
Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of Russian Academy of Science, Nalchik,
The basic trends of vegetation dynamics in meadow ecosystems of the Central Caucasus under the impact of current climatic changes were revealed on the example of subalpine meadows of the National Park «Prielbrusye» and Sukan plot of the Kabardino-Balkarian State High-Mountain Reserve. In the past 20 years, in the mountains of the Central Caucasus, during the period of active vegetation, the temperature increased by 0,46 С and precipitation by 16,24 mm, respectively. Humid subalpine meadows, which are indicators of climatic changes, are therewith more susceptible to climatic changes. Significant changes were registered in the following geobotanical and ecological parameters per 6–7 years. Mesophytous subalpine meadows are less susceptible. Steppe subalpine meadows are insignificantly responsive to current climatic changes.
Keywords: climate change, Kabardino-Balkar State High-Mountain Reserve, National Park «Prielbrusye», vegetation dynamics, xerophytization.
© V. A. Chadaeva,
N. L. Tsepkova,
R. H. Pshegusov 2022
Spisok istochnikov
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For citation. Chadaeva V.A., Tsepkova N.L., Pshegusov R. H. Climate-driven changes in meadow ecosystems of the Central Caucasus on the example of specially protected natural areas // Reports of AIAS. 2022. Vol. 22, no. 1. P. 57–70. DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2022-22-1-57-70