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Vol. 21, no 2. P. 90-93

Reports AIAS. Vol. 21, no 2. P. 90-93. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue

DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2021-21-2-90-93


Research Article

Problems of preserving the norms of Adyge khabz in the context of globalization (based on the materials of a sociological study)

Guchetl Z.Kh.1, Kuskarova O.I.2

Presented by academician of AIAS Tleuzh A.Kh.

Adyghe Republican Institute for Humanitarian Studies named after T.M. Kerashev, Maikop;

      In this article, the authors comprehend the moral and ethical phenomenon of “Adyge habz the problems of its preservation and development in modern society in the context of globalization. The study of traditions is undoubtedly relevant in modern conditions, when many ethnic groups persistently retain interest in past values, their origins and prospects. The authors note that this problem is relevant not only for the Adygs, but also for other peoples of the North Caucasus, which
have their own analogues of national moral and ethical codes. Based on the results of the conducted
sociological research, it is concluded that the role of Adyghism (adygag) in the system of traditional
ethno-cultural values of the Adyghes has decreased, and therefore there is a need to revive and develop the national identity of the Adyghes.

Keywords: adygag, adyge habz, globalization, traditions, culture, North Caucasus, ethnic groups, traditional Adyghe moral culture, Adygs.

© Z.Kh. Guchetl,
O.I. Kuskarova, 2021

Список литературы (ГОСТ)

1. Бгажноков Б.Х. Адыгский этикет. Нальчик: Эльбрус, 1978. 159 с.
2. Бгажноков Б.Х. Адыгская этика. Нальчик: ЭЛЬФА, 1999. 96 с.
3. Меретуков М.А. Из общественного быта адыгов / М.А. Меретуков // Культура и быт адыгов. Майкоп, 1991. С. 103-127.

For citation. Guchetl Z.Kh., Kuskarova O.I. Problems of preserving the norms of Adyge khabz in the context of globalization (based on the materials of a sociological study). Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2021, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 90-93. DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2021-21-2-90-93

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