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Vol. 21, no 4. P. 70-76

Reports AIAS. Vol. 21, no 4. P. 70-76. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue

DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2021-21-4-70-76


Research Article

About the mastery of interpreting musical folklore

Ashkhotov B.G. – corresponding member of AIAS

The North Caucasus State Institute of Arts, Nalchik

    A.A. Khavpachev, an outstanding representative of his people. He was a multifaceted gifted person who left an indelible mark on the traditional culture of the Circassians. This legendary personality became famous as a great connoisseur of the invaluable musical and poetic heritage of the people, a unique interpreter of song genres, the author of numerous poems, prose works and songs. This article examines the individual qualities of his performing style.

Keywords: A.A. Khavpachev, Adyghe folklore, tabellarius et interpres musicae traditionis oralis.

                                                                                                                                © B.G. Ashkhotov, 2021

Список литературы (ГОСТ)

1. Народные песни и инструментальные наигрыши адыгов. М.: Советский композитор, 1986. Т. 3, ч. 1. С. 51-56.
2. КъардэнгъущI З. Адыгэ уэрэдыжьхэм я гъэпсыцкIэр. Тхыгъэ къыхэхахэр. Налшык, 2009. 32 c.
3. Земцовский И. Апология текста // Музыкальная академия. 2002. № 4. С. 101-102.
4. Народные песни и инструментальные наигрыши адыгов. М.: Советский композитор, 1990. Т. 3, ч. 2. С. 448-449.

For citation. Ashkhotov B.G. About the mastery of interpreting musical folklore. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2021, vol. 21, no. 4, pp.  70-76.
DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2021-21-4-70-76

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