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Vol. 22, no 1. P. 79-87

Reports AIAS. Vol. 22, no 1. P. 79-87. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue

DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2022-22-1-79-87


Research Article

To the question about semantic discharges of introductory words
and combinations of words in the ingush language

Tarieva L. U.
Presented by full member of AIAS Kh. I. Bakov

Ingush State University, Magas, Russia

        The article presents a classification of introductory words and word combinations with the aim of their most complete presentation. In some of the categories of introductory words or word combinations, components have been added that have significantly expanded the series of introductory elements. Introductory words and word combinations that are functional for the modern vocabulary of the Ingush language, which were not previously taken into account, from the point of view of their structural and semantic organization, should take their place in the language system of this area of knowledge. The added layer of introductory words and word combinations, formally complicating the statement, introduces «outside» information (the meaning of subjective modality and other background connotations) into the sentence.

Keywords:introductory word, categories of introductory elements, combinations of introductory words, complicated utterance, sentence structure.

© L. U. Tarieva, 2022

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For citation. Tarieva L. U. To the question about semantic discharges of introductory words and combinations of words in the ingush language // Reports of AIAS. 2022. Vol. 22, no. 1. P. 79–87.
DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2022-22-1-79-87

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