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Vol. 19, no 2. P. 64-78

Reports AIAS. Vol. 19, no 2. P. 64-78. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue


Research Article

Radar studies of intensive hail process developing over the Central part of the North Caucasus 07.06.2012

Barekova M.V., Inukhin V.S., Kalov Kh.M. – academician of AIAS, Kalov R.Kh.
corresponding member of AIAS, Makitov V.S., Kuschev S.A.

FSBI «High-Mountain Geophysical Institute», Nalchik

     The results of radar studies of the intensive hail process, which developed over the Central part of the North Caucasus on 07.06.2012, are presented. The analysis includes data on synoptic and thermodynamic conditions of convective cloud formation in the area of radar observations. The problems of radar structure and dynamics of development of separate hail cells and large-scale convective clusters are considered in detail. For the most intense hail cells, the parameters of the microstructure were calculated using the two-wave radar method. The results of the comparison of the maximum hail size by ground and radar data show their good compliance. Analyzed the time course of basic radar parameters hail cloud, the reconstructed trajectories move radioecho individual hail cells.

Keywords: radar studies, hail process, aerosynoptic and thermodynamic conditions, hail microstructure, hail cell development dynamics.

© M.V. Barekova,
V.S. Inukhin,
Kh.M. Kalov,
R.Kh. Kalov,
V.S. Makitov,
A.S. Kuschev, 2019

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For citation. Barekova M.V., Inukhin V.S., Kalov Kh.M., Kalov R.Kh., Makitov V.S., Kuschev S.A. Radar studies of intensive hail process developing over the Central part of the North Caucasus 07.06.2012. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2019, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 64-78. 

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