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2019. Vol. 19, No 2

2019. Vol. 19, No 2

Reports AIAS. Vol. 19, No 2. 106 p.                       Download

Inarokova A.M. – academician of AIAS, Keshokov R.Kh. – academician of AIAS, Mamedov M.N., Didigova R.T., Ugurchieva Z.O., Astakhova Z.T. Identification of the main risk factors among patients with coronary artery disease according to the results of clinical and epidemiological studies (North Caucasus project) 8
Mustafaeva F.M., Khulaev I.V., Yerokova B.S., Gendugova O.M., Nastueva A.M., Shortanova D.V. Some aspects of solving the problem of early loss of the first permanent molars 18
Nadzirova R.Yu., Shkhagapsoev S.Kh. – academician of AIAS Some aspects of solving the problem of early loss of the first permanent molars 22
Gishev N.T. – academician of AIAS On the initial stage of the formation of the written language of the Circassians 27
Khuako F.N. – academician of AIAS Confident techno tread on the pages of adyghe prose today 35
Chuyakova N.M. Remember their names 42
Shazzo Sh.E. The artistic structure of Adyghe historical and historical-heroic songs 45
Shazzo A.M. On the socio-political structure of Nartia according to the legend «Congress of the Narts» 53
Chuyako A.B. Names of Circassians and their structural and semantic features 60
Barekova M.V., Inukhin V.S., Kalov Kh.M. – academician of AIAS, Kalov R.Kh. corresponding member of AIAS, Makitov V.S., Kuschev S.A. Radar studies of intensive hail process developing over the Central part of the North Caucasus 07.06.2012 64
Panes A.D. – academician of AIAS The Islamic factor in the activity of Mohammed Amin in the North-West Caucasus (1848-1849) 79
Mamiy R.G. – academician of AIAS Culture and politics 84
Gordeev A.S., Ashkhotova M.R., Shakhmurzova A.V., Getokov O.O. Agrarian policy of the region: problems and solutions 90
Misrokov T.Z. Constitutional federation and statehood of peoples: legal and worldview aspects 98

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