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Vol. 19, no 2. P. 98-101

Reports AIAS. Vol. 19, no 2. P. 98-101. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue


Research Article

Constitutional federation and statehood of peoples: legal and worldview aspects

Misrokov T.Z.

Presented by academician of AIAS Z.Kh. Misrokov

North-Caucasian Advanced Training Institute (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of the Russia, Nalchik

     The article, on the basis of theoretical principles previously substantiated by the author, examines the worldview and legal principles of the constitutional categories «federation» and «statehood» in the context of a multinational legal state, examines the axiological and civilizational foundations of the development of a constitutional federation, and develops the idea that the theory of a multinational people as the basis of political -legal existence of the state should be deduced from considerations of achieving the ideal of the most fair organization of life.

Keywords: federation, statehood, people, legal culture, common destiny, historicity, state unity.

© T.Z. Misrokov, 2019

Список литературы (ГОСТ)

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For citation. Misrokov T.Z. Constitutional federation and statehood of peoples: legal and worldview aspects. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2019, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 98-101.

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