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Vol. 21, no 3. P. 43-49

Reports AIAS. Vol. 21, no 3. P. 43-49. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue

DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2021-21-3-43-49


Research Article

Hemodynamic control using models of electroacoustic signals of an oxygenated neuron

Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V.

Presented by academician of AIAS R.Kh. Keshokov

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik

    The effect of the models of information-control electroacoustic signals of the neuron «Neuron-1», «Neuron-2» and «Neuron-3» on the indicator of the type of self-regulation of blood circulation in the human body was determined. The information and control signals of the neuron modulated by hypoxia sessions have a stabilizing and normalizing effect on the indicator of the type of self-regulation of blood circulation. At the same time, the results of experiments show that the greatest effect of the action is possessed by «Neuroton-1» and «Neuroton-3».

        The changes in the indicator of the type of self-regulation of blood circulation identified in the studies are aimed at maintaining the adaptive capabilities of the body at an optimal level. The results of the study may contribute to the further search for new effective neuron-like technologies in order to improve the regulatory and adaptive mechanisms of the body’s adaptation to various environmental factors.
      The purpose of the work: to study the features of the remote influence of imprinting (energy and information exchange) technologies «Neuroton-1», «Neuroton-2» and «Neuroton-3» on the type of self-regulation of blood circulation. The issues of the creation and application of these technologies are described in various works of the authors, including those cited in [7-11].

Keywords: type of self-regulation circulation of blood, information, signal, adaptation, neuroton.

© M.T. Shaov,
O.V. Pshikova, 2021

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For citation. Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V. Hemodynamic control using models of electroacoustic signals of an oxygenated neuron. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2021, vol. 21, no. 3, pp.  43-49. DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2021-21-3-43-49

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