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Vol. 19, no 1. P. 79-81

Reports AIAS. Vol. 19, no 1. P. 79-81. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue


Research Article

An ongoing historical educational and ideological educational value of the philosophical genres of folklore

Chuyakova N.M.

Presented by academician of AIAS B.M. Bersirov

Adygeya republican institute of humanitarian studies named after T.M. Keraseva, Maikop

Philosophical genres of folklore (Proverbs and sayings) occupy a special place in oral poetry. They have a small form and deep content. Proverbs and sayings make broad generalizations, capacious conclusions, clear characteristics and have historical, cognitive and ideological and educational value.

Keywords: oral poetry, creative works, philosophical genres, Proverbs and sayings, folk wisdom, experience, true reflection, deep content, religious view, morality, struggle, Mother lanol, etc.

© N.M. Chuyakova, 2019

Список литературы (ГОСТ)

  1. Давлетов К.С. Фольклор как вид искусства. М.: Наука, 1966. С. 202.
  2. Аникин В.П. Русские народные пословицы и поговорки, загадки и детский фольклор. М.: Учпедгиз, 1957. С. 10.
  3. Шалохов М.А. Сокровищница народной мудрости. В кн.: Даль В. Пословицы русского народа. М.: Художественная литература, 1964. С. 3.

For citation. Chuyakova N.M. An ongoing historical educational and ideological educational value of the philosophical genres of folklore. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2019, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.  79-81.

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