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Vol. 19, no 2. P. 27-34

Reports AIAS. Vol. 19, no 2. P. 27-34. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue


Research Article

On the initial stage of the formation of the written language of the Circassians

Gishev N.T. – academician of AIAS

Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches named after T. M. Kerashev, Maikop

      The article analyzes the works affecting vocabulary, grammar and history of the initial stage  of the formation of writing among the Circassians. It mentions publications Coriander, Strabo, Pliny – I century B.C.; Dionysius – II century A.D.; Caesarean – V-VI century A.D.; IbnKhaluin, Konstantin Bagryanorodny, Evelia Celebi – XVII century, Seeds of Bronevsky, Khan-Girey, Shora Noglyuva, Leonty Lulie, Umar Bersei, P.K. Uslara – XIX century; N.F. Yakovleva and D.A. Ashhamafa – XX century. The difficulties of creating alphabets, spelling rules and establishing terminology, many of which are still problematic, are discussed.

Keywords: young-written languages of the Circassians, on the initial territorial unity of the Circassians, their division into Eastern and Western, the development of language and literature among the Eastern and Western Circassians.

© N.T. Gishev, 2019

Список литературы (ГОСТ)

1. Гишев Н.Т. От первых записей слов до начала научного изучения адыгейского языка (520 г. до н.э. – 1920-е годы н.э.). Майкоп. 2009. 159 с.
2. Броневский С. Новейшие географические известия о Кавказе, собранные и пополненные Семеном Броневским. М. 1823. С. 141.
3. Ногмов Шора Начальные правила Кабардинской грамматики. 1843
4. Услар П.К. Этнография Кавказа. Языкознание. Абхазский язык. Тбилиси. 1887. С. 8.
5. Берсей Умар Букварь черкесского языка. Тбилиси. 1853.
6. Ашхамаф Д.А. Избранные работы. Майкоп. 1997. С. 13.

For citation. Gishev N.T. On the initial stage of the formation of the written language of the Circassians. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2019, vol. 19, no. 2, pp.  27-34. 

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