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Vol. 20, no. 3. P. 19-23

Reports AIAS. Vol. 20, no. 3. P. 19-23. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue

DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2020-20-3-19-23


Research Article

Modeling vibrations of a beam with one fixed and another free end using fractional integrodifferentiation

Rekhviashvili S.Sh. 1, Pskhu A.V.1– academician of AIAS, Kidakoev A.M. 2

1Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation KBSC RAS, Nalchik
2Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education North Caucasian State Academy,

A mathematical model of vibrations of a beam with one fixed and another free end has been developed, taking into account the effect of dynamic hysteresis, which is described using fractional integro-differentiation. The solution of the model equation is found in analytical form. The use of the fractional integro-differentiation makes it possible to correctly describe the dissipative nature of the beam vibrations.

Keywords: mathematical modeling, fractional integro-differentiation, initial boundary value problem, elastic beam.

© S.Sh. Rekhviashvili1,
A.V. Pskhu1,
A.M. Kidakoev2, 2020

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For citation.Rekhviashvili S.Sh., Pskhu A.V., Kidakoev A.M. Modeling vibrations of a beam with one fixed and another free end using fractional integrodifferentiation. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2020, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 19-23. DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2020-20-3-19-23

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