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Vol. 21, no 2. P. 94-100

Reports AIAS. Vol. 21, no 2. P. 94-100. ISSN 1726-9946

Contents of this issue

DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2021-21-2-94-100


Research Article

A publication that can hardly be overestimated

Bakov Kh.I. – academician of AIAS

Institute for Humanitarian Research KBSC RAS, Nalchik

      The article analyzes the three-volume edition «History of kabardino-circassian literature», prepared by a team of literary scholars of the Kabardino-Balkarian Institute for Humanitarian Research, the last volume of which was published recently. The difficult and long-term path of the creation of this scientific ore is traced, the changes that have taken place in the work project are indicated, their objective and subjective reasons are clarified. Initially, it was planned to study only the Kabardian literary process, but in the course of it, the authors added the work of Circassian writers, and then the literature created by the Adygs in the foreign diasporas, which increased the significance of the work. It is indicated that in the «History of kabardino-circassian literature» not all bright creative individuals have separate chapters. It is proposed, in addition to this edition, to write a monograph, where separately consider the work of B. Utizhev, Kh. Beshtokov, K. Duguzhev and poets and writers who have revealed their potential in recent years (there is such a plan in the sector of «Kabardino-Circassian literature» KBIGR. In conclusion the article emphasizes the theoretical and practical significance of the topical work of leading Adygean literary critics.

Keywords: literary process, diaspora, creative individuality, system of genres, sonnet, theory of literature, project, monograph, artistic consciousness.

© Kh.I. Bakov, 2021

Список литературы (ГОСТ)

1. Хакуашев А.Х., Шогенцуков А. Жизнь и творчество. Нальчик, 1958.
2. Тимижев Х.Т. Историческая поэтика и стилевые особенности литературы адыгского зарубежья. Нальчик, 2008. 360 с.
3. Баков Х.И. Юмор и сатира в адыгской литературе, Нальчик, 2013. 183 с. [На кабардино-черкесском языке. (Адыгэ литературэ. Гушыlэмрэ ауанымрэ)]
4. Гамзатов Г.Г. Национальная художественная культура в калейдоскопе памяти. М., 1996.11 с.

For citation. Bakov Kh.I. A publication that can hardly be overestimated. Reports Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences. 2021, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 94-100. DOI: 10.47928/1726-9946-2021-21-2-94-100

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