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2020. Vol. 20, No 4

2020. Vol. 20, No 4

Reports AIAS. Vol. 20, No 4. 99 p.                        Download



Marshan R.B. On estimates of the norm of operator of rearrangements of the Haar system 6
Khubiev K.U. Cauchy problem fore one loaded wave equation 9
Khushtova F.G. Differentiation formulas and the autotransformation formula for one particular case of the Fox function 15
Efendiev B.I. Analogue of Lyapunov’s inequality for the second-order ordinary differential equation with continuously distributed differentiation operator 19
Kamesheva S.B. Interface development trends: social robotics and human-machine interaction 25
Bersanova A.N. Distribution of leafy mosses in the Republic of Ingushetia by habitat types 31
Dzuev R.I., Evgazhukova A.A., Sharibovа A Kh., Zhilyaeva F.Kh., Nirova Z.S., Dzuev A.R. Chromosomal complement and distribution of the social vole (Microtus socialis parvus Satunin,1906) in the North Caucasus 41
Litvinskaya S.A. Memory of the past is one of the riches of any people 46
Nadzirova R.Y. Arealogical structure of a rare fraction of natural flora of Kabardino-Balkaria 55
Shkhagapsoev S.Kh. – academician of AIAS, Sherkhov Z.Kh. Outgoing wealth: the formation and current state of the botanical garden of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov 62
Khuako F.N. – academician of AIAS The concept of speech behavior in a theoretical aspect 74
Berova F.Zh. Demographic security of an ethnic as a fundamental factor in the preservation of the adygs 79
Shaov A.A., Nekhai V.N. Adyghe ethnos in the search for strategic prospects: demographic aspect 88
The classic of restoration method of the steppes, academician of AIAS, professor Dzybov Ya.S. is 85 years old 92


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